Survey: 42% of college students think Motorola is a Japanese company
Young consumers tend to know little about the brands behind the products they use, including wireless brands, according to a study from market-research firm done in the US by Anderson Analytics.
Cellphones topped the list of products for which students misidentified the manufacturers' country of origin, said the company.
More than half of college students surveyed by the company believed Nokia is a Japanese company, with only 4.4% correctly identifying the company as Finnish. Forty-two percent of students believed Motorola Inc. is Japanese. Motorola is based in Schaumburg, Ill.
"We found for cellphones, country of origin didn't seem to affect students' perception of the brand, since Motorola was ranked equally well whether students thought it was from America or Japan," said Tom H. C. Anderson, managing partner of Anderson Analytics. "This has allowed Korean brands, like LG and Samsung, to compete on a par with companies like Nokia and Motorola."
Saturday, May 26, 2007
Is Nokia Finnish? Is Motorola American? Does it Matter? Probably not
Thursday, May 17, 2007
Survey shows how EU prefers Nokia over iPhone, but...
I'm not surprised by a survey conducted by Canalys has shown that the European mobile phone buyers are indeed interested in checking out the upcoming Apple iPhone mobile phone, but people in Europe still prefer Nokia over other brands.
The survey was conducted in April among more than 2,000 employed, adult mobile phone users in the big 5 (France, Germany, Italy, Spain and UK).
Some key findings:
■ 51% of those surveyed expressed some interest in mobile TV, but a diverse range of content is required
■ Consumers are more open to advertising-supported services around location and communication than TV
■ 62% want GPS into their mobile phone
■ Almost half the iPod lovers said iPhone likely to be considered for their next mobile phone
■ 84% of the surveyed people said that they had like to upgrade to another Nokia phone from their current one.
Sony Ericsson was the second most popular brand followed by Samsung and Motorola. Apple is yet to come out with their first mobile phone but they were still ahead of well-known smart mobile device vendors like RIM, HP and Palm....obviously their marketing is nothing compared to Apple
Like iPod? Love Mac
but also
Like iPod? Love iPhone
Pete Cunningham from Canalys added: “Apple’s rating improves dramatically when you talk to existing iPod owners. Almost half the respondents who owned an iPod rated Apple as more likely than not be considered for their next phone, compared to just 20% for those who didn’t have an iPod, and they were five times as likely to give Apple the highest rating. There is a lot of loyalty there that Apple can tap into.”
As I heard saying even from a Nokia executive....Apple's customers are not just customers...they are fans!!! that's so true and I am one of them...though being a Nokia fan just as much (if not more) I'm not so sure about the iPhone....not sure about:
- NO 3G
- No GPS
- Big scratchable display
- Need to try UI and if I could ever use it with one hand
- Quality (for which you need some time)
Posted by
10:16 AM
Labels: Apple, Europe, iPhone, Market Research, Nokia, Survey
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
My comment on "Mobile Internet is Dead"
I was attracted by a post on Ari Jaaksi's Blog ( on mobile Internet is dead (quite a catchy title)...he's the Nokia Head of Open Source software operations (so Internet tablets and
this is my comment to his post
I think mobile web is not dead....I simply think it never existed!!! I actually never saw it that way...."mobile web"...I just always thought there is just one internet....and mobile phones would able to access it....
WAP was just a wannabe a Internet...that's why it failed a way mobile widgets are a perfect representation of a successful way of going on the Internet in a mobile way. But stil....going on the ONE and ONLY internet
what do you think?
Maybe I'm looking it from the eyes of a digital native or simply a newcomer in TLC or an idiot...who knows...
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Another attempt by Nokia to implement sort of Web 2.0 concepts on its website
Web 2.0 is rather poor on Nokia websites....unfortunately. I have seen a few attempts for instance the Nseries website ( that integrates RSS, Digg, Delicious, Link to this page, send to a friend functionalities...
though today I came across another one...inspired by Second Life in a way, but lacking web 2.0 (social networking, bookmarking, tagging, interaction, etc)'s a sort of virtual store for the US (
I found out that tablets are just accessories...and that you cant even click on them....wondering what the hell tablets are...look at the bottom right corner in the following picture
10 Things a Blogger Learned at Mobile 2.0
Interesting link
Thursday, May 10, 2007
Joost Rocks!!!!! Internet TV amazing!
Hello out there! I know this is not so mobile and wireless....but it's super tech....I just got an invitation for Joost ( which is described as "a new way of watching TV on the internet. With Joost, you get all the things you love about TV, including a high-quality full-screen picture, hundreds of full-length shows and easy channel-flipping...."
you also have the possibility to rate stuff and chat with people watching a actually can see quite's doesn't make your Mac too slow....I'm amazed!
Check out some pictures
Here is how a music video looks: quality is also quite good
Here are how it looks when you select channels:
and then under each channel you can see a small thumbnail for each program
Try to get an invitation and check it out it's soo cool....I'm gonna play the Ministry of Sound all the time to workout
Monday, May 7, 2007
iPhone displays prove once again Apple's marketing strenght and efforts
Again Apple shows its real strenght is in marketing and communication to consumers, not really in technology itself...
A post from Engadget ( states how iPhone displays are "seven-foot tall, three-foot wide displays that will require a dedicated power supply and network connectivity" and not just sticking a RFID security tag and placing it on some shelf.
So not only technology that is simple to use and that works well (actully this applies to the iPod and Mac OS...still need to see whether the iPhone follows this logic) BUT also WELL ADVERTISED PRODUCTS (just like those amazing "Hello I'm a Mac and I'm a PC")
BTW are the displays actually gonna look like this?
Saturday, May 5, 2007
Nokia in BizWeek Most Innovative Companies Ranking
Nokia went down from no8 to no13 in the ranking due to 5 companies that gained positions (Walt Disney, IBM (what??!), Sony, Wal-Mart and Honda Motors),
Though Nokia still deserved an article in the report "First Mover in Mobile:How Nokia is selling cell phones to the developing world" which shows not only a very innovative side (Nokia has many) of the company but also its strong CSR concerns and practices. Biz Week forgot to mention Nokia's innovation in NSeries is top-of-the-league in many aspects.
Apple managed to keep the first position for the third year in a row mainly thanks to the iPhone which shows up on the right of the ranking for the most innovative companies in technology/telecom. Notice how the two terms are stuck together which proves even further how relevant is convergence.
Source: BusinessWeek
How cool and hilarious is the Nokia bus in India to teach people how to use their mobile phones?
I think it's amazing....also from a CSR perspective
Wednesday, May 2, 2007
An example of Mobile Advertising
I would love to see more of these ads around!
Qwikker announces Pepsi's Bluetooth marketing campaign
( Via Thomson Dialog NewsEdge) Qwikker, a direct-to-mobile location content network, has announced that a Bluetooth marketing campaign has been launched in the US by Pepsi, a beverage company.
Qwikker said the campaign, which is reportedly the US's first multi-network, multi-city Bluetooth marketing campaign, is running for two months in outdoor advertising locations, delivering viral video clips. Locations include bus shelters in Washington DC, Denver, Los Angeles and Orange County and pay phone kiosks in Philadelphia and Pittsburgh.
Qwikker said that out-of-home media networks have integrated its Bluetooth content distribution technology into their street furniture, enabling Bluetooth-enabled phone users to download free clips from Pepsi Smash advertisements. It confirmed CBS Outdoor, CBS/Decaux, Prime Point Media and Clear Channel Outdoor are participating in the campaign and said 'Pass The Mic' clips of freestyle hip hop, provided by Yahoo! Music, are being distributed as the video clips.
Prime Point Media said it has enabled 700,000 phone kiosk locations with Qwikker Bluetooth technology, while CBS Outdoor said the technology allows brands to connect with consumers, via outdoor displays.
Tuesday, May 1, 2007
Skype on Nokia Mobile Phones (&Symbian)
Why was Skype still not able to make the Symbian version? Was it possibly not willing to do so?