Saturday, May 5, 2007

Nokia in BizWeek Most Innovative Companies Ranking

Nokia went down from no8 to no13 in the ranking due to 5 companies that gained positions (Walt Disney, IBM (what??!), Sony, Wal-Mart and Honda Motors),

Though Nokia still deserved an article in the report "First Mover in Mobile:How Nokia is selling cell phones to the developing world" which shows not only a very innovative side (Nokia has many) of the company but also its strong CSR concerns and practices. Biz Week forgot to mention Nokia's innovation in NSeries is top-of-the-league in many aspects.

Apple managed to keep the first position for the third year in a row mainly thanks to the iPhone which shows up on the right of the ranking for the most innovative companies in technology/telecom. Notice how the two terms are stuck together which proves even further how relevant is convergence.

Source: BusinessWeek

How cool and hilarious is the Nokia bus in India to teach people how to use their mobile phones?
I think it's amazing....also from a CSR perspective

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